CBM2's Webinar Draws 99 Enthusiastic Participants

Following the insightful webinar on "Liquid Gold in Precision Medicine: Liquid-Based Biopsies for Cancer Detection and Monitoring," hosted by the Center of BioModular Multi-Scale Systems for Precision Medicine (CBM2), the ripple effect of knowledge spread far and wide. A staggering 99 people joined the virtual event on December 13, 2023, at 12 pm CST/1 pm EST, eager to learn more about liquid biopsies and their impact on cancer diagnostics and monitoring.

The webinar focused on the gold standard of cancer diagnosis—pathologic analysis of tumor tissue biopsies—and shed light on the emerging prominence of liquid biopsies. These non-invasive technologies analyze tumor-derived material circulating in bodily fluids, offering a cost-effective and accessible alternative to traditional procedures. The discussion explored the potential of liquid biopsies in early cancer detection, treatment and recurrence monitoring, and their role as surrogates for predicting treatment response and resistance development.


Dr. Andrew K. Godwin, the Chancellors Distinguished Endowed Professor and Division Director of Genomic Diagnostics, captivated the audience with his expertise as the founding Director of Molecular Oncology in the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. Serving as the Deputy Director of the KU Cancer Center and the Founding Director of the Kansas Institute for Precision Medicine, Dr. Godwin brought a wealth of knowledge to the virtual stage.

In the aftermath of this enlightening webinar, CBM2 looks forward to continued engagement, collaboration, and the shared pursuit of advancements in precision medicine.