Collaborate with Us
The Center is excited to accept requests for collaboration/service projects with researchers in the biomedical/microfluidics community. The difference between collaborations and service projects are as follows:
- Collaboration - the Center and outside researcher share intellectual information to generate joint funding opportunities or spawn new patents;
- Service - the Center personnel and their affiliates partner with external researchers using public domain Center technology, or help researchers deliver on new device concepts using our extensive fabrication infrastructure.
Researchers who wish to interact with the Center should complete the accompanying form on the Center’s website and submit it to the Center for evaluation by the Leadership Team.
For Collaborations, The Leadership Team will make decisions on accepting requests based on possible funding opportunities and the existing research capabilities of the Center.
For Service projects with a fabrication focus, requests will be forwarded to the appropriate fabrication Service Centers associated with:
Wake Forest – Hyaluronan Services
Service Projects that utilize existing Center technologies will employ Core Facilities currently available to the Center at the University of Kansas.
Available Tools: