Murphy Research Group Presents at IMECE

Michael MurphyMembers of the Murphy Research Group at LSU traveled to Pittsburgh, PA in November 2018 to present at the 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE):

  • X. Zhao, D.S. Park, and M.C. Murphy, “Fabrication of Transparent and Superhydrophobic Films on Plastic Surfaces with Raspberry-Like Particles,” IMECE 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 11-16, 2018, IMECE2018-88462.
  • D.S. Park, J.M. Jackson, C.D.M. Campos, S.A. Soper, and M.C. Murphy, “Design and Fabrication of Module for Solid Phase Extraction of Nucleic Acids & Affinity Selection of Exosomes,” IMECE 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 11-16, 2018, IMECE2018-88293.