KU Hosts ”How to Make It and Use It” Microfluidic Workshop 2018

Fri, 08/03/2018


Jake Wyatt Hammond

The third annual “How to Make It and Use It” Microfluidic Workshop, presented by the Center of BioModular Multiscale Systems for Precision Medicine, was hosted this year at the University of Kansas August 1-3, 2018. Twenty participants came to KU from Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, and Oklahoma to learn how to fabricate a microfluidic device, and how the process of making and using it could be applied to many areas of research.

The workshop participants spent the first and second mornings listening to talks given by CBM2 faculty, researchers, and guest lecturers. The first morning of talks covered topics related to patterning structures across different length scales such as patterning micro- and nanostructures using micromilling, optical lithography, etching, PDMS casting, focused ion beam lithography and e-beam lithography; replication techniques such as hot embossing, injection molding, nanoimprint lithography; and counting cells using the Coulter Counter. During the morning of the second day, workshop participants heard talks on applications in which microfluidics can be used. Topics included different materials for microfluidics, metrology, 3D printing, designing a microfluidic, and engineering principles.

After the morning talks, the workshop participants enjoyed lunchtime discussions with the CBM2 faculty, followed by a hands-on laboratory experience where what they learned in the morning lectures could be translated into the lab. In addition to preparing their own micro-Coulter Counter in the lab, participants took tours of the KU Nanofabrication Facility cleanroom and learned how to use a hot embossing machine.

On the second evening of the workshop, participants met at the KU Adams Alumni Center for dinner and a talk by guest speaker Dr. David Kaufman of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Kaufman presented an engaging lecture titled, “Moving New Technologies into the Clinic” that walked the audience through the basics of cancer biology, and how the technologies coming from researchers such as those at CBM2 are being used in the clinical setting to improve patient care.

The third and final day of the workshop was spent entirely in the lab, with participants performing experiments using the micro-Coulter Counters they created the previous two days. In the experiment, the participants made a micro-Coulter Counter to determine the size of particles and the concentration of the particles in a fluid sample. They made a microfluidic chip via hot embossing, which contained a microfluidic channel and a Coulter Counter.

How to Make It and Use It Photo Gallery

Workshop participants from the University of Arkansas, University of Kansas, and Louisiana State University enjoy breakfast and networking before the talks begin.

Prof. Sunggook Park discusses nanopatterning techniques.

A real-world, as well as entertaining, example of nanomolding presented by Prof. Sunggook Park.

Dr. Maggie Witek talks about Coulter counters, which the group will make in the hands-on laboratory portion of the workshop.

Participants of the workshop enjoyed a tour of the KU Nanofabrication Facility at KU's Multidisciplinary Research Building.

Dr. Matt Jackson, left, walks Damon Scott through the process of hot embossing microfluidic chips with PMMA.

A close up of someone hot embossing

Md Foysal, front, and Virginia, back, drill inlet and outlet holes in their cover plates.

Maggie teaches the group about painting silver/silver chloride electrodes onto their chips using a syringe.

Aaron, left, and Mahsa, right, learn how to place the silver electrodes.

Md Foysal watches Hooman paint his silver electrodes onto the chip.

Kavya paints silver/silver chloride electrodes onto her chip using a syringe.

Hooman and Kavya clean their chips with toothbrushes before placing them in the sonicator.

Dr. Matt Jackson gives a talk on different materials for microfluidics.

Prof. Steven Soper explains metrology in Day 2 of the workshop lectures.

Prof. Mei He explains the principles and basic concepts of 3D Printing.

The group shared summaries of their current research over lunch.

Prof. Sunggook Park participates in the lunch discussion.

Maggie shows a few people how to UV/Ozone treat their chip and coverplate before assembly.

Maggie Witek leads a demonstration of how to align the microfluidic chip and coverplate by examining the chips' details through the microscope.

Rachel looks through the microscope to see how her chip is aligned.

Hooman watches Reza align the cover slip on his chip.

The group listen to Maggie before putting their chips in the drying oven.

Dr. David Kaufman, University of North Carolina, was the guest speaker for the workshop's evening reception on August 2nd. Here, he is explaining cancer DNA in his talk at the KU Adams Alumni Center.

From left, Mahsa, Virginia, Kavya, Joel, Hooman, and Md Foysal with their completed chips.

Jenny is happy to try screen printing her electrodes onto the chip, rather than painting them on with silver/silver chloride paste.

Jacob uses a pipet tip to place epoxy around the inlet and outlet tubes of his chip.

Maggie shows the group how to place PEEK tubing into the inlet and outlet holes they drilled into their chips.

Mahsa epoxies her chip while Md Foysal, Kavya, and Prof. Kaufman watch.

Maggie explains to the group how the high impedance current source supplies current through the two outer probes on the chip, and a voltmeter measures voltage across the inner two probes to determine sample resistivity.

Maggie connects the chip to the Coulter Counter electroincs and fluorescence microscope.

Maggie explains how the syringe pump pushes liquid through the microfluidic chip.

Mahsa listens to Maggie explain the readout of information from the chip.

A microfluidic chip connected to the syringe pump and electronics.

Jilsha and Elizabeth test their devices.

Matt goes over the results of data collected from the experiment.

Fri, 08/03/2018


Jake Wyatt Hammond