CBM2 Publishes Paper in March 2021 Lab on a Chip
CBM2 researchers published a paper in the March 2021 issue of Lab on a Chip titled, “Thermoplastic nanofluidic devices for identifying abasic sites in single DNA molecules.” Authors of the paper include Swarnagowri Vaidyanathan, Kumuditha M Weerakoon-Ratnayake, Franklin I Uba, Bo Hu, David Kaufman, Junseo Choi, Sunggook Park, and Steven A Soper.
The paper introduces a plastic nanofluidic device that the group has developed, that is able to stretch a single DNA molecule to about 50 nm and then label the DNA molecule with two fluorescent dyes. Once the molecule is labeled with the dyes, the entire DNA length is read with one dye under a microscope, and the second dye detects damaged sites along the strands. The presence of damaged DNA sites can be used to determine the capability of many drug therapies.