Chancellor Hails ISB as 'Giant Leap Forward' for KU Science Facilities

Sun, 09/23/2018


Mackenzie K Meier

"Message from the Chancellor"

KU's new Integrated Sciences Building (ISB) was recently highlighted in Chancellor Douglas Girod's twice-monthly Monday Message as one of the more exciting new campus facilities, which has the potential to improve KU’s standing in myriad ways.

The building, which opened in June, features nearly 300,000 square feet of much-needed new space for teaching and research in the fields of chemistry, medicinal chemistry, physics, molecular biosciences, and other related fields. The space is created with collaboration in mind and constructed with large windows in classrooms and labs, as well as common areas to allow students and faculty to engage in stimulating discussions.

Sun, 09/23/2018


Mackenzie K Meier