CBM2 Researchers Present Work at 2017 microTAS Conference

Thu, 10/26/2017


Mackenzie K Meier

Several members of CBM2 traveled to Savannah, GA to participate in the 2017 microTAS conference October 22-26, 2017. Three post-docs, one graduate student, and Prof. Steven Soper contributed research from the Soper group at the University of Kansas, and one post-doc contributed research from the Park group at Louisiana State University. Prof. Steven Soper gave a workshop called “Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC) Technologies for the Isolation of Circulating Markers: Applications in Liquid Biopsies.” Dr. Kumuditha Ratnayake, University of Kansas, gave a symposium presentation titled “Automated Microfluidic for the Analysis of Circulating Multiple Myeloma Cells (CMMCs) Using ‘FISH’ Analysis.” Dr. Camila Campos, University of Kansas, shared her poster “Microfluidic Device for Isolation of Cell-Free DNA from Plasma.” Also of the University of Kansas, Dr. Joshua (Matt) Jackson presented his poster “Microfluidic Affinity Purification of Cancer-Specific Extracellular Vesicles.” KU graduate student Charuni Amarasekara gave a poster titled “Molecule Dependent Time of Flight Identification of Nucleotides: An Approach for Single-Molecule DNA Sequencing.” From the research group of Prof. Sunggook Park at Louisiana State University, Dr. Junseo Choi presented his poster “Pore Size Dependence of DNA Translocation through Polymer Nanopores Fabricated by Nanoimprint Lithography.”

Thu, 10/26/2017


Mackenzie K Meier