Shimadzu Visit Photos - May 18, 2018

Wed, 12/31/1969


Jake Wyatt Hammond

Dr. Teruhisa Ueda, President and CEO of the Shimadzu Corporation, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of scientific instrumentation, visited the KU Chemistry Department on Saturday, May 18, 2019. Ueda was celebrated with an honorary Doctor of Science degree at the KU commencement ceremony May 19th, for notable contributions to science and technology.

During the May 18th visit to the department, Dr. Ueda and his associates (Manabu Sakamoto, Dr. Ueda’s assistant; Katsuaki Kaito, President of Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI), the American subsidiary of Shimadzu Corporation; Yasuo Miyauchi, Mr. Kaito’s assistant; Greg Feldman, Sales Engineer for Kansas; and Jared Colon, Sales Associate for Midwest Region) engaged in conversation over breakfast with Chemistry Professors Brian Laird, Steve Soper, Bob Dunn, Jon Tunge, Minae Mure, Sue Lunte, and Associate Dean Joy Ward. Following breakfast, the group toured the research labs of Steve Soper, Minae Mure, Jon Tunge, and James Blakemore in the new Integrated Science Building, as well as some teaching labs and the new clean room. The Shimadzu group enjoyed seeing new and historic pieces of Shimadzu instrumentation in each of the labs.

Lunch was served in the atrium of the Integrated Science Building, where Dr. Ueda was able to meet Chemistry laboratory program directors, current and emeritus professors, retired staff members, and old friends from his time spent at KU in the 1990s while studying under the direction of Distinguished Professors Ted Kuwana and Ralph Adams in the Center for Bioanalytical Research. After lunch, Dr. Ueda was taken to KU’s West Campus for a tour of the Multidisciplinary Research Building, Pharmacy Building, and McCollum Labs with Professors Sue Lunte, Mike Johnson, and Mei He.

Shimadzu Representatives Visit Photo Gallery

Wed, 12/31/1969


Jake Wyatt Hammond