Chemistry Hosts Alumni Symposium

Wed, 12/31/1969


Jake Wyatt Hammond

The KU Chemistry Department hosted an Alumni Symposium May 19-20, 2017 in Lawrence for alumni, faculty, staff and students, commemorating the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Adams Institute. The two-day event began on Friday, May 19 with a scientific symposium and lunch at the Kansas Union, and was followed by an early evening reception at the Oread Hotel on campus. On Saturday morning, May 20, the Chemistry Department held a poster session and brunch featuring research updates from active KU Chemistry faculty research groups, and concurrently offered hard-hat tours of the new Integrated Science Building (the future home of KU CHEM). These events were followed by an afternoon golf outing in memory of Craig Lunte. A great time was had by all!
Please visit the Adams Institute website to view more photos of symposium events.

Alumni Symposium Photo Gallery

Wed, 12/31/1969


Jake Wyatt Hammond