CBM2 Participates in Carnival of Chemistry, November 2018

Wed, 12/31/1969


Jake Wyatt Hammond

The Department of Chemistry and the KU Chemistry Club hosted the Carnival of Chemistry on November 18, 2018. CBM2 participated in the event. The event, now in its 20th year, includes about a dozen activities or interactive exhibits for children in kindergarten through eighth grade and their families. Kids can make slime, see dry ice bubbles and build with molecular models, getting a chance to take part in the hands-on play before hearing an explanation of the chemistry behind each activity. CBM2 prepared an experiment illustrating how DNA is isolated from biological cells. CBM2 invited Beta Beta Beta National Biology Honor Society to join us in the DNA isolation activity. Undergraduate senior students Chris Winburn, Austin Yoder, Mary Mitchell, and Payton Leiker participated and talked about biological cells and DNA role in the cell. Students extracted DNA from strawberries using a soap and kitchen salt solution to break apart cells, and rubbing alcohol to precipitate the DNA. The lab smelled wonderful and participants (including parents) really enjoyed this hands on activity! Additionally, we have had a display of microfluidic chips for DNA isolation and we drew a parallel between bench top process and what is happening in a microfluidic chip. We also played a movie explaining the importance of DNA, what DNA molecules are comprised of, what are the genes, how genes become mutated, and what are the potential consequences of mutated DNA. We led the conversation toward the Precision and Personalized Medicine concept and explained the mission of the CBM2. The Carnival of Chemistry gathered ~500 school age children and their families.


2018 Carnival of Chemistry Photo Gallery


Wed, 12/31/1969


Jake Wyatt Hammond